Best in Maldon - Cultural Icons


best in maldon

Cultural Icons

by Ingrid Gaiotto

What gets my juices flowing and joy gurgling deep in the pit of my stomach is reveling in the nature and culture of a place. Within the tiny orbit of this beautiful Central Victorian region, which I call home, great riches abound. Here are some of my favourite hidden (and not so hidden) treasures …


Maldon Cemetery

When I’m not travelling to Italy, I teach business to inmates of Loddon and Tarrengower Prisons. My favourite Tarrengower lunch break escape is the Maldon Cemetery in Nuggety, located in a picturesque setting just a short walk down the road from the women’s prison. It’s peaceful, secluded and redolent with history.

Address: 80 Maldon-Shelbourne Rd, Maldon

Castlemaine Art Museum

Founded in 1913, the Castlemaine Art Museum has a unique collection of Australian art and fascinating historical artefacts reflecting the early history of the district. The beautiful 1931 art deco building is one of my favourite buildings in the world – as understated and striking as a sublime piece of sculpture – and its art collection boasts some truly mesmerising works.

Instagram: @castlemaineartmuseum

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The Salvage Yard

The Salvage Yard, located in the old gravel yard in Campbells Creek, was born from Mat Boyle and Anna Winneke’s sheer obsession of all things good and destined for landfill and a deep commitment to creating value out of waste. It’s an inspiring place to visit for its quirky design features, as well as its vast and impressive collection of reclaimed building and sculptural materials.

Instagram: @thesalvageyard

Cascade Art Gallery

Maldon’s cultural landscape has received a potent infusion from the passionate ministrations of gallery curator, Kareen Anchen and partner/artist-in-residence, Jeff Gardner. Amid the lofty timber trusses and leadlight windows of Maldon’s former Gothic Revival Wesleyan church, they’ve created Cascade Art Gallery, a contemporary gallery space showcasing original paintings, prints, artist made books and sculptures.

Most recently, Cascade Art hosted an exhibition of works by renowned now-local painter, David Moore, another cherished colleague and friend with whom I’ve toured through Italy.

Instagram: @CascadeArtMaldon

Lot 19 Art Space

The wonderful Mark Anstey claims that Lot19 was founded to celebrate life and so it does! It’s an evolving creative space and events venue located just out of Castlemaine, celebrating all things salvaged and reimagined. As well as serving as Mark’s creative workspace, the property also consists of 21 artists’ studios, two outdoor stages, a contemporary art gallery and an outdoor sculpture park. The space accommodates many artists, including Castlemaine Press (a community access printmaking studio), Castlemaine Clay (a community ceramics facility) and the studio of my dear friend and colleague, the talented mosaic artist, Helen Bodycomb, with whom I’ve collaborated on several Italian mosaic tours.

Address: Lot 19 Langslow Street is up a little lane called McShannags Lane, off Langslow Street, Castlemaine
Instagram: @lot19artspace

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About Ingrid Gaiotto

Ingrid’s family originates from the Piedmont region in the northwest of Italy. Now living in Castlemaine, her ongoing love affair with Italy inspired In giro Tours, which offers unique and unforgettable Italian travel experiences.

Ingrid is passionate about sharing and revelling in her Italian and Australian homes with others. In giro curates unique and personal journeys of bespoke local experiences, tours and retreats, in a celebration of the landscape, history, culture, art and artisanal food and wine of Italy and of Castlemaine and surrounds. She wants to share with people in the bounty of local makers and creators, whose cultural and culinary offerings pay tribute to local expression and innovation.

Instagram: @ingirotours


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